Wedding ceremony held at sea of Valvettithurai, Srilanka
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 06/03/2015 (வெள்ளிக்கிழமை)
It is for the first time in Jaffna Peninsula of northern Srilanka to have a marriage ceremony out at sea. The couple, Samjeyavel and Banumathy, who are studying their higher studies in Jaffna, wedded after one year engagement, at sea of Palk Strait, just opposite to revady beach,Valvettithurai.
The wedding had taken place at a locally made tiny pleasure craft, which is on cruise in this area for last two years.
The ceremony commenced at about 4 Pm and lasted till about5 Pm.
The couple, Baheerathan and Banumathy are native of Amman Kovilady, Valvettithurai
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